Tuesday 24 September 2013

Lesson Two - Virtues of Seeking knowledge and Importance of writing

Seeking knowledge

Two types of Knowledge: National subjects + Islamic subjects

Some knowledge are incumbent - fardh ayan= those that will allow him to fullfil his basic religious actions. and some are Fardh Kifaya – meaning of Quran and hadith is communal obligation.

This community of the Prophet was a learned a spiritual community which then allowed people to defeat armies. Similar at the time of Salahudin, these people were spiritually strong, they were aware of their duty to Allah.

Learner for life.

“The Prophet said “Verily the world is cursed and cursed whatever is inside of it except the remembrance of Allah, that which he loves, and someone seeking knowledge or learning it. These people are not accursed. (Tirmddhi, ibn Majah)

Prophet sat with the group of those seeking knowledge. One group making dua, if Allah wills he will accept if he will he will deny, whereas the other studying the knowledge of deen and will teach it to the ignorant. Therefore they are superior, I have not been sent but as a teacher. (Darami)

Correct intention.

There are many reasons people seek knowledge:
  1. To earn money 2) To gain a status 3) To argue and debate 4) To keep occupied 5) For forgiveness & Jannah (Both hadith) 6) To get close to Allah through learning the actions.

“Allah loves those act which are little but done consistently”. (Bukhari) Be consistent through this course and make effort to read widely around the topic.

Knowledge comes through hardship. “Prophet said Knowledge does not come with the body at ease” meaning Allah will only accept your knowledge if the hardship is proven.

Examples of predecessors seeking knowledge, the like of Abu Huraira, ibn Abbass

Importance of writing
Capture knowledge. The first ayah refers to reading and writing. Zaid ibn Thabit. Battle of Badr. Abu Huraira would say From the companions of the Prophet Abduallah ibn Umar would know the most Ahdeeth, this was because he would write and we would not.
Habit of writing, Examples of Imam Nawawi, Mufti Taqi

Read this book: Sincere counsel to the seekers of sacred knowledge by Ibn Qayim.

This book will give you inspiration and motivation to seek knowledge.

Book by Ibn Jawzi: He had three sons one of the name was and the other was Yusuf Muhyi din Al Jawzi (Most intelligent, held high position, preacher) and Abu Bakr bin Abdul Aziz Al Jawzi (Held sermons and teacher) and Badrud Din Al Jawzi (30 years older than Yusuf) (This book is addressed to him)

This book is addressed Badrud in who was careless in seeking knowledge, therefore he wrote some words for encouragement to give the zeal to seek knowledge.
He would spend waste time with futile things.He would hang around in the wrong company. Ibn Dhabi says “He would also sell his fathers book at a higher price”.

But Allah granted Ibn Jazwzi another son Yusuf ud din who would love to seek knowledge.

Written in first person personally targeting his son as the audience by sayinf 'O my son'. Ibn Jawzi also talks about his experience growing up and how he got zeal for knowledge. How to benefit from time. Talks about his daily routine. Gave advice on which books to read.

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