Tuesday 24 September 2013

Lesson 1 - Subject Overview

Teacher: Ebrahim Nadat
Course: Fiqh
Total Lessons During year: 58

Importance of Islamic Jurisprudence in a Muslims Life?

Since childhood, a person is told or often commanded to obey the orders of their parents when taught issues surrounding Fiqh. During these learning stages, a child’s brain has not yet developed to understand the reason and wisdom behind these commands. However, as the child grows up and the brain becomes mature to understand the commands of Allah, we see a lack of Muslims pursuing this path to comprehend the rulings of Islam. This leaves the person with the minute knowledge which was taught to them in their childhood. As a Muslim, we should always seek to develop and progress in life, especially Islamic knowledge. Therefore, to be sufficient with knowledge gained in childhood is a sign of total lack of effort and a Muslim ought to always seek knowledge to gain closeness to Allah.

Course Overview

This course will introduce students to Islamic Law. It is designed to give students an insight into the history, principles, rulings and terminology of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh). Even in this era, Islamic law is considered one of the most significant and complex systems of law. The student will familiarize with the roots and development of Fiqh from the time of the Companions to contemporary issues of Fiqh. Moreover, the rise of the four main schools of thought will be reviewed. Contemporary debated issues will be analysed within the field of Fiqh and an explanation to the opinion of the prominent scholars. This course will allow the student to acknowledge and analyse the ideology of the previous classical scholars. Students will understand how Jurisprudence principles could be applied to issues in the contemporary age with special attention to those laws which a Muslim interacts with on a daily basis. Students will examine various sources and books of Islamic Law.

What will you learn in this subjects?

Review history, principles, rulings and terminology of Islamic Jurisprudence
Understand the wisdom behind the laws of Allah Learn the roots and development of Fiqh examine the rise of the four schools of thought Investigate contemporary issues of Fiqh
Analyse the efforts of previous classical scholars Understand the rulings of the four schools of thought in jurisprudence subjects.
Analyse books written in this field.
Thinking skills Understand the reason behind each command in Islam
Can differentiate between right and wrong acts.
Confidence in the Islamic action performed.
Appreciate the efforts by the previous classical scholars.
 Acknowledge the four schools of thought.

 Future Skills

Confidence when performing Islamic actions.
Advance to further studies in chosen field.
 Ability to spread knowledge to others.
Ability to perform actions according to the teaching of the Prophet (S.A.W)

What you will study when in 1 year:

Term 1 - 10th September to 25th October Introduction To Jurisprudence
Term 2 - 4th November to 20th December Book of Purification – Page 2 to 18
Term 3 - 6th January to 14th February Book of Salah – Page 28 to 50
Term 4 - 24th February to 4th April Prayer whilst travelling & Janaza Prayer
Term 5 - 21th April to 30rd May The Friday prayer

Term 1 - Weekly Topic Overview
Week 1 - 11th September 2013 - Introcution to the course, Importance of seeking knoweledge and importance of writing.
Week 2 - 18th September 2013 - Introduction to Fiqh, Meaning of Fiqh, Why learning Fiqh is important? Week 3 - 25th September 2013 - Developmement of Fiqh from the time of the Prophet
Week 4 - 2nd October 2013 - The emergence of the Four schools of thought, and their influence in this generation.
Week 5 - 9th October 2013 - Is Taqleed necessary?
 Week 6  - 16th October 2013 -  Where is Fiqh derived from? Brief introduction on Usul- Fiqh
 Week 7 -  23rd October 2013 - Introduction to Al Mukhtasr Ul Quduri

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